St. John Kochurov was a priest who service in the missionary diocese of America under St. Tikhon in the early 20th century. He was mainly in Chicago, and besides being responsible for the building of the Holy Trinity Cathedral there, he also was influential in helping start up several parishes in Illinois, including in Streator, Madison, and Joliet, but also far to the east and north in Buffalo, New York, and way down in Hartshorne, Oklahoma.
That is where he caught my interest, being from Oklahoma myself. I wanted to commemorate him in the services, so, back in 2018, I found his full service available on the OCA Diocese of the Midwest website. At that point, I only converted it to traditional English, “thou/thy” wording. This year, however, in preparation for his celebration tomorrow, I went through and pointed the text to be sung with the tones. That includes a fair amount of editing, just to smoothly fit text and music together, and to allow the music to bring out the essential meaning of the text.
Feel free to use this full service to St. John Kochurov, including Vespers and Matins to do a Vigil.
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