

On Creation, Fr. Lawrence Margitich

Church as Spiritual Hospital, by Vincent Rossi

On Reading Holy Scripture, by Father John Schettig, 2014

On Reading the Holy Scriptures, by Father John Schettig, January 11, 2014

On Sin, Fr Josiah Trenham

The Divine Liturgy, Vincent Rossi

The Creed, an introduction

The Creed, part 1

The Creed part 2

The Creed part 3


Talk on St. Gregory the Theologian, 1/24/2013 – by Reader Vincent Andrew Rossi

Lecture #4 on the Acts of the Apostles, 05/21/2014, Reader Vincent Andrew Rossi

On Church Singing, a Pastor’s Perspective, from the ROCOR Music Conference, Santa Rosa, Oct. 2014, Father Lawrence Margitich

On the iconographic plan of the Church, Monk Patrick Doolan, on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, March 1, 2015

A talk on St Paisius (Velichkovsky) of Neamt, Father John Schettig and Vincent Rossi, November 14, 2015

A talk (part 2 only) on the Russian Orthodox Old Ritualists, AKA Old Believers, by Father Edward Henderson, November 8, 2017

On the Russian New Martyrs, Father Ilya Gotlinski, January 20, 2018

Remarks on the Diaconate, Archpriest Stephan Meholick, Diaconal Practicum, July 17, 2019. ** NEW

Genesis and Creation, Father John Schettig, February 13, 2019

The Making of Man, Father John Schettig, February 20, 2019

The Age of the World, Father John Schettig, March 6, 2019

Departure of the Soul, Father John Schettig, July 10, 2019

State of the Soul After Death, Father John Schettig, July 24, 2019

HUMANIZING MARY, talks by Dr. Jeannie Constantinou, at the Santa Rosa Women’s Retreat, February 7, 2015

Dr. Jeannie Constantinou, Lecture 1

Dr. Jeannie Constantinou, Lecture 2

Dr. Jeannie Constantinou, Lecture 3

Dr. Jeannie Constantinou, Lecture 4

THE GOOD HUSBAND—A RETREAT FOR MEN, Talks by Fr. Josiah Trenham for married and unmarried, April 25, 2015

Fr. Josiah Trenham, Lecture 1

Fr. Josiah Trenham, Lecture 2

Fr. Josiah Trenham, Lecture 3

BEYOND SHAME, a talk by Father Stephen Freeman, February 8, 2016

THE PASSIONS: A three-part talk given by Mother Melania, at the 04/09/2016 Women’s Retreat

Mother Melania, Lecture 1

Mother Melania, Lecture 2

Mother Melania, Lecture 3

MARRIAGE AS PHILOTIMO: Four lectures by Fr. Timothy Pavlatos on Marriage, January 27, 2018

Fr. Timothy, Lecture 1

Fr. Timothy, Lecture 2

Fr. Timothy, Lecture 3

Fr. Timothy, Lecture 4

RETREAT LED BY FR. JOHN BETHANCOURT: The Sanctification of the Imagination in the teaching of St. Gregory Palamas (March 23, 2019), at St Seraphim Cathedral, Santa Rosa:

Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3

 The Meaning of the Vesting and Entrance at a Liturgy when a Bishop serves—remarks by Fr. Irenei Steenberg

 A lecture by Father James Jorgenson on the Orthodox-Lutheran Dialogue, 16th Century until nowDelivered at St. Seraphim Cathedral Wednesday, May 26, 2017