Service for St. Tikhon of Moscow

We celebrate the glorification of our beloved father Tikhon tomorrow, who did much to establish and organize the Church in America, but also guided the Russian Church through some of the most tumultuous times in its history, the Russian Revolution.

It is likely too late for this to be of help to anybody for this particular Sunday in October of 2022, and it reveals to you all how late these things are prepared here in Bend, Oregon, but hopefully, it will be of use later. I was tempted to not go to the trouble of “cleaning this service up”, but there were just too many awkward phrases that would not be understood, especially when sung in our services, that I could not resist going through and rewording: moving phrases around, placing particular words to be emphasized by the music, and similar other changes.

It is still, essentially, the OCA service most commonly used for St. Tikhon, but it is often hard to find the service itself, with all the parts (including Matins material for a Vigil). So, in case it is useful, here it is. And I will include a link at the bottom of the service to a Google Docs file, in case you would like to change the pointing of the tones in any way.

One Reply to “Service for St. Tikhon of Moscow”

  1. I just uploaded a revised version of this service. When we tried to sing it this past weekend, I found out I had marked several stichera in “Lord, I Call” in the wrong tone. Weird mistake, but it is fixed now, along with a few little things here and there that will not make too much of a difference.

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