In love for Blessed Nazarius, Abbot of Valaam Monastery, I wanted to try to include some small reference to him in our Sunday services this past Sunday, since it was his day, February 23rd. However, because this was one of the Sundays of the Triodion, the Sunday of Last Judgment, as we near Great Lent, none of the material for the saint usually included.
I decided to just bring in his troparion (“dismissal hymn”), if I could find it, to add to the troparia at the beginning of Matins…a little nod to Elder Nazarius. I went to look in the volume of the Little Russian Philokalia dedicated to him, because I have seen the troparion and kontakion for the saint listed in other volumes of that series. Come to find out, his volume has the full service: Vespers and Matins for Abbot Nazarius of Valaam! And what’s more: the service was produced by Platina itself, the canon by the brotherhood as a whole, and the stichera at Vespers composed by Father Seraphim (Rose).
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